The Most Important Plot Point . . . or Why the Key Event is so damn Important! (part three)
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
(the tragic protagonist)
At its heart, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is really a forbidden love story ala Romeo & Juliet. Anakin is a tragic protagonist (Padmé his ‘secret wife’), and his Rubicon is attached to the Midpoint.
Anakin’s flaw vs. virtue argument = fear vs. faith stemming from the Wound (carried over from the previous story: Attack of the Clones) of his prophetic dream about his mother’s death having come true which instigates him into believing his dream about Padmé dying will also come true, and this drives the events of the entire story.
Act 1
1. Inciting Incident: Padmé tells Anakin she’s pregnant, which only complicates the rule that Jedi Order members are forbidden to marry or have children.
2. Key Event: Anakin has what he believes is a prophetic dream about Padmé dying in childbirth.
Act 2A
3. Pinch Point: Anakin discovers Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious, the mysterious Sith lord who has been manipulating the Republic, and whom offers to teach Anakin the dark side “secret” to saving Padmé’s life.
4. Midpoint: Jedi Master Mace Windu confronts Palpatine into a life-or-death struggle, but Anakin wants to know the secret of Darth Plagueis too much to let Palpatine die so he aids him in killing Windu.
Rubicon: Choosing fear over faith, Anakin pledges full allegiance to Palpatine, becoming the Sith apprentice Darth Vader. He kills all the Jedi in the temple, including the younglings, then proceeds to the Mustafar planetary system to eliminate the Separatist enemies of the Republic.
*This is where Anakin becomes the antagonist-replacement as well Obi-Wan becomes the protagonist-replacement because Obi-Wan kills General Grievous (the former antagonist) on Utapau while Anakin is busy becoming Darth Vader.
Act 2B
5. Punch Point: Padmé goes to Mustafar, refusing to believe Anakin is evil, while Obi-Wan has secretly stowed away on her ship in order to stop Anakin by killing him if necessary.
6. Anchor Point: Anakin refuses his last chance at redemption and accuses Padmé of betraying him with Obi-Wan then strangles her unconscious with the Force.
Act 3
7. Climax: Obi-Wan kicks Anakin’s Sith-apprentice butt as punishment then leaves him for dead. After which Padmé dies giving birth to twins, Luke and Leia, fulfilling Anakin’s prophetic dream.
The story’s dramatic question: Will Anakin get relief from his prophetic dreams by saving Padmé’s life? The answer is quite obviously a resounding No!
(to be continued . . .)